What Is Natural Landscaping and How Is It Good for the Environment?
A natural landscape, by definition, is typically a landscape that is unaffected by human intervention, regulated by nature, and free of interruption from human beings. A natural landscape is able to move and change on its own without that interruption and intervention.
Of course, there are places few and far between that duplicate a truly natural landscape. Nevertheless, individuals everywhere are trying to duplicate that look all around their home and yards. Homeowners even dedicate front yard space in trying to recreate natural landscaping.
While natural landscaping in its truest form and sense cannot be duplicated exactly, the idea to recreate the look remains the same.
Typical landscaping is the changing or altering of plants, shrubs, flowers, and bodies of water to suit a human being’s tastes or desires. It is almost akin to outdoor decorating according to taste and style.
Many individuals are recreating the look of natural landscaping to return to a simpler, more holistic place and time where nature was the interior designer and had full control without human intervention.
Thankfully, homeowners, business owners, and development corporations recognize the benefits of natural landscaping:
- Environmental
- Financial
- Natural Beauty
Financial Considerations
Natural landscaping has the capability of helping homeowners, business owners, and development corporations to save on finances in the area of upkeep and maintenance.
Planting natural grasses such as prairie grass and allowing nature to take its course can save substantially on the financial end of keeping up and maintaining properties. The reduction in funds spent on watering, mowing, and treating natural landscaping is significant.
Environmental Considerations
Natural landscaping provides the environment with everything that it needs to survive and thrive. Native perennial plants have the capacity to sustain extreme temperatures and are therefore beneficial to the environment, as water is not wasted.
There is less need for pesticides and herbicides with natural landscaping as natural plants and grasses easily maintain themselves with very little intervention.
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